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Muddy Paws Small Munsterlander Puppies

Muddy Paws goal is to produce Small Munsterlander Pointers with excellent physical structure and conformation that are outstanding, cooperative versatile gun dogs and exceptional family companions with the help from Michelle from Brush Dale Kennels. Michelle is Megan's mentor and she has taught Megan so much and continues to do so to this day. 

To reserve your spot in the pick order, please fill out and complete the Puppy Reservation Questionnaire. You can make a deposit with using your credit/debit card. I use the Square App so I will send you an invoice for a deposit and from there you can securely enter your information. Click on MAKE A DEPOSIT below to learn how to do so. 

The current price for a Muddy Paws Small Munsterlander is $2,000. We require a non-refundable $500 deposit to hold you a puppy from a current litter. This assures me of the sincere interest of the buyer. In the case of buyer default, the money is used for the continued care of "Mom" and her puppies, and used to re-advertise and care for the puppy that was once spoken for. We highly recommend you make your deposit the same day you fill out the Puppy Reservation Questionnaire IF we have a current litter on the ground. Otherwise deposit is due when pregnancy is confirmed for a Planned Litter. The remaining balance (plus Minnesota Sales Tax)  is due when you pick up your puppy or before. 

I will try my best to get you a puppy from the litter you are interested in, but being added to my waiting list does not always guarantee a puppy from that litter. There is just too many variables involved such as size of the litter, temperament of the puppies, sex of the puppies, and markings, etc. If there are no puppies available for that litter, you can stay on my waiting list for the next litter, or I can refer you to a reputable breeder.

Preferred Homes

We prefer to place our puppies in hunting households, but will consider non-hunting homes if the puppy will regularly participate in activities to utilize their skills. Such as participating in field trials/hunt tests such as the NAVHDA. They are one of the best house dogs for being a versatile hunting breed, but they were bred to work and they need something to do. We give preference to hunting and hunt testing households. Munsterlanders require regular off-lead exercise. If you cannot take your Munsterlander somewhere off-lead for 20 minutes four days a week- at minimum, this is not the breed for you. 

Choosing your Puppy

Choosing a puppy can be hard and exciting at the same time! No matter how much we'd like there to be some scientific method of choosing the best puppy from a litter, there really isn't one. What constitutes the "best" puppy is extremely subjective and what becomes of a puppy is very much in the hands of its owner. So long as you are buying a properly socialized, healthy and well-structured puppy from a sound breeding by a reputable breeder, you will have the raw material for a great hunter and family companion. Our job as the breeder is to provide you with this raw material. Your job is to nurture, expose, socialize and train your puppy to be the best dog she can be. There will be a "Pick Day" which will be determined within the emails sent every week from birth. Puppies will go home between 8-10 weeks old. Whenever I feel they are ready. 

We post pictures and videos on our Facebook page- Muddy Paws, and encourage you to have three puppies in mind. Pick order will be decided on where you are on the waiting list. 

Testing your Small Munsterlander

We strongly encourage you to test your pup in the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) Natural Ability Test. This test provides information for me and other breeders to make smart decisions for future breeding. It is an important evaluation of the dog's natural hunting abilities. This also helps develop your pup into a good hunting companion. It is a great bonding experience for the both of you and prepares your pup for the hunting seasons. 

Male or Female?

We charge the same price for either sex, as they are equally good hunters and family companions. It is absolutely untrue that females are better hunters, are easier to train, or are better with children. Actually, Munster males tend to do better with young children and are often easier to train than females. Males are generally easy-going, openly affectionate, patient, wanting to please, sensitive and loyal. Since they are a little bigger than females, they tend to handle a youngster's rough housing in stride. Therefore, if you have young children, we recommend you select a male puppy. Munster males have a temperament similar to Labrador and Golden Retriever females. Female Munsters are also affectionate and love people of all ages, but they tend to be more aloof as adults and may be more difficult to train due to stubbornness.

For more information on this Click Here. Brush Dale Farms extra information on this topic.

How Pick Order is Determined

A puppy buyer's place in the pick order is determined by the date that he/she makes a reservation by completing the Puppy Reservation Questionnaire and when the deposit is sent in. There are three ways in which you could be opted out to be second if originally first.  

  1. Muddy Paws keeping a puppy for our breeding program. 

  2. Stud owner keeping a puppy. 

  3. Approved breeder

      **Hunting households and hunt test households get FIRST picking order over those who are not! If your puppy is going to a non-hunting household, you will be at the bottom of the list for pick order. As this is a hunting breed we prefer to place those puppies going to hunting household with hunters first.**


When you purchase a puppy from Muddy Paws you get the following:

  • Puppies are started on the right track through the Puppy Culture Program we do here at Muddy Paws!

  • Up-to-date with shots and worming

  • Microchipped with a 15 digit International mini-chip

  • NAVHDA registration

  • Three year Health Guarantee

  • Discounts on future puppy purchases. You will receive a 10% discount on the 2nd Muddy Paws puppy you purchase, a 20% discount on the 3rd puppy and a 30% discount on the 4th or more puppy purchased.

  • Discounts on grooming services done. 

  • I am always a phone call away if you ever need help or advise with your Munsterlander!

Health Guarantee  

Muddy Paws puppies come with a three year health guarantee.

  • If, within four business days of the puppy arriving to his/her new home, he/she is determined to be in ill health (by a licensed veterinarian), you have to provide us with a copy of the veterinarian's invoice for services, and we will reimburse you up to $250 for the cost of medications and/or procedures by your veterinarian to return the puppy back to good health. Alternative, upon signed written diagnosis from your veterinarian, you may return your pup to us for a full refund.  

  • If, prior to six months of age, your puppy is diagnosed (by a licensed veterinarian) with a genetic illness or defect that will:

    • Prohibit him/her from hunting now or in the future​

    • Significantly limit the amount of time per day he/she can hunt from what would be considered normal

    • or cause his/her premature death​​
      We will reimburse you in full and puppy will be transferred back to Muddy Paws. Puppy buyers will get to be on the top of the list for an upcoming litter and get a puppy for a discount.

  • If, between six months of age and three years of age, your Munsterlander is diagnosed (by a licensed veterinarian) with a genetic illness or defect that will: ​​

    • Prohibit him/her from hunting now or in the future​

    • Significantly limit the amount of time per day he/she can hunt from what is considered normal

    • or cause his/her premature death
      We will reimburse you in full and puppy will be transferred back to Muddy Paws. Puppy buyers will get to be on the top of the list for an upcoming litter and get a puppy for a discount. 

Muddy Paws strongly encourages you to feed your Small Munsterlander Life's Abundance food and supplements to make sure you are giving them the highest nutrition for their whole life. Muddy Paws believes that nutrition plays a huge role in the health of an animal, and there has been so many health issues arising in animals due to poor diet. As a dog groomer also, I see this on a daily basis.

You can find more information about Life's Abundance under my Nutrition tab. There will also be a link to my Life's Abundance website! 



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